DCT 2000
Motorola (GI) produced DCT 2000 series has two main models. DCT 2224 and DCT 2244.
DCT 2244 has a build in modem. The main board is the same.
There are many versions of the boards. The CPU of the board uses Motorola MC68331 .
The tool to debug the CPU is BDM. Each board has slightly different design. 
  1. How to open the box.
  2. Newbie Guide.
  3. How To get the "0" off and boot from Tsop.
  4. Stpes to enter diagnostic menu
  5. Common Error code
  6. Getting Dct Going
  7. Buying boxes guide
  8. Understanding Eeprom data in Nvram
  9. USB BDM command on DCT 2000
  10. SPICommand Howto
  11. Steps for using SPI log.

Lasted Updated:December 31 2016

Vists since Jan 4,2009